
profile picture

My name is Cathrin and I am an interaction Designer with a great interest in visual design and technology. Things that inspire me are good colour combinations, patterns and clever, fun interactions. I graduated from Malmö University last spring after I spent one semester in Sydney. My recent job was as a web developer and now I am looking for something new to dive in to.

I am fascinated by the different ways we can interact with each other while we use technology. I like to imagine who the user is and what makes them tick. My goal is to make life a little bit more pleasant and colourful for people around me so if you are interested in working with me or want to know some more, give me a shout!

Recent work

Cykelbolaget AB

A Website I made for a bike shop in Stockholm. They wanted a clean and basic website so I use WordPress to make this simple and easily navigated site. I have also designed their logo and flyers. You can find the site here.

Arctic Rescue

A game I made in Flash during an interactive design course as part of my exchange semester in Sydney. I was inspired by Greenpeace and their fight to save the Arctic from the oil companies. The player is helping the main character Walter the walrus to get rid of the evil oil companies who are drilling for oil. During the game the player gets more information about what oil does to nature and animals in the Arctic.


A concept I made during a course in Physical Prototyping which I came on third place in a competition by Tele2. The theme of the competition was Internet of things and security. My idea was to make something that would warn people passing by houses with big icicles on the rooftops to prevent accidents. TappAlert will send a text message to the owner of the house when the icicles grow too big. It will also warn people on the streets by activating a flag to fall down on street level with a warning sign to alert people about the danger. Read more about this here.


Cacophonia is a project that we made with Processing and Kinect during a Game Design course. The goal is to make music at the same time you are playing a game. When the player is trying to plant seeds on a piece of grass to collect points, every time a seed is moving over a cloud in the sky, the seed activates an audio track and a melody starts playing. You find the concept video here.

A Breathing Experience

A project we did during a course in Physical Prototyping and Visual Design. The strap you see on this person's chest is the control to help you navigate through a universe we created in Unity. By wearing the strap over your chest you can steer left/right or straight forward through space by breathing. The goal was to make a relaxing and playful experience as well as to try out new interactions between the user and a viral world. You find more information about this project here.